Wisp Spring Joint Free
Two Prefabs Red and Blue Wisp
Made for Unity 2019
Optimized particle count
830 Max Particles
5 Materials
Mochie's Public Particle Shader:
Import order:
Import Mochie’s Shader first
Import my package
Terms of Service:
Terms of Service are legally binding, and if these terms are violated, legal repercussions will ensue.
Terms are subject to change.
-Do not claim as your own.
-Do not redistribute.
-Do not resell.
-Do not include in Avatar Packages. Unless you bought the Commercial edition.
-No Price-splitting
-No trading.
-No leaking.
-No ripping.
-Do not use as a nitro reward/or part of a reward for your server.
If there are any issues or questions let me know Twamy#0001. My DMs are open.